A collection of projects, more or less related to each other;
A site, hosting multiple weird graphics, music and games;
An escape from reality, where hopefully nothing is real.
Making free content for people to enjoy, as there can never be enough of it!
And we mean it. No microtransactions, no data stealing, no ads, nothing. Every single thing that our games may need from you, will be hashed and rid of any other data, beside nicknames of course.
As for enjoyment, fear not - if you are reading this and not scrolling to the end, you will probably like them. Projects vary in style and genre, so you can find something to your taste. And even when not, we are listening to every suggestion from our fans and one-time players/readers/listeners.
Absolutely not. Account is and will be 100% optional and not mandatory in *almost* any case. Well, it would be hard to save Your game progress in cloud without an account, right?
But then, what is account for? Well, mostly alpha/beta testing and cloud saving, as with account you can easily download and upload your game saves.
Aside from that, any bonus codes (from events and such) will be linked to your account and not only saved locally, meaning it is easier to transfer them between computers.
If you're worried about security, do not. We don't even use cookies. Check Privacy Policy.
For games: Some of them are, and some of them are not. If you are unsure, you can always check the project page or "Other" tab in the main page, as it will have a list of every project copyrights. Remember: Even when outside is pretty, inside can be not. Especially Javascript code.
For music: You can use any track from any album/game even for commercial use, just credit us as "Metsillian" or "Metsillian.com" (with or without logo).
For art: You can use our art for free in non-commercial projects, if you credit us. If you want to use them in commercial projects, send us a message (contact@metsillian.com). We will probably allow it for free.
It's a tricky question. Metsillian isn't a studio per se, and projects are very individual. Additionaly, nobody is getting paid for anything - it is a hobby thing.
On the other hand, there probably will be projects, that could use a helping hand of an artist or programmer. And playtesters. Many playtesters.
So, the answer is: maybe. And if there will be a situation, where additional help would be pretty much needed - we will let you know.