State of the Journal


Journal (previously: "Horror in Malnour: Journal") is our first game from 2018, and it is flawed. Very, very flawed - riddles don't make much sense, characters are too weird even for our standards and it is entirely text-based (which wouldn't be that much of a problem, if it wasn't for house exploration). Because of that, we made a decision to rewrite it in a short future. It will be rewritten to English, with more riddles and story making sense.

For the time being, old version is still available here.

New website


Well, not that new, but finally made public. While accounts are (for the moment) disabled, we are rewriting entire cloud save system and our database to make it less error prone in the future.

For the time being RPG:WW will be disabled, because of the various incompabilities with new website - even as a pre-alpha.